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Final Evaluation

  Final Evaluation   For our project fragmented time, I have always had the theme of fashion in my head. I started out with the idea similar to John Stezaker’s work of cutting out and physically layering images however my ideas soon developed in to more digital destruction. For my first contact sheet I didn’t have much of an idea where to start, I knew I wanted a range of images but wasn’t sure what of yet so used my sister as a model and took some standard images. I didn’t really experiment with angles, lighting or clothing yet but I feel it was successful and started me off well and I used an image from that shoot in my final 10. For my second shoot I feel that I was starting to get an idea but it still wasn’t clear enough. I then got to editing and found what I wanted my final images to look like. By the third shoot I was clear and by the fourth I was filling in the gaps I had left.  John Stezaker inspired my original idea of using a scanner and cutting out and dra...

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